You’re Not too Busy to Blog
We’re all busy. You’re Busy; I’m Busy; Everybody’s Busy-Busy.
Personally, I think that “busy” is just another 4-letter word. We all have the same number of hours in our days, and no matter what shows up, we manage to fill them with something.
When my two kids aren’t home, those hours still zoom by. I don’t suddenly have all of the leisure time in the world, and I don’t magically find the time to complete all of my To-Do-Someday-List items, just because some of my busy-ness isn’t there.
I honestly just spend my extra time in my sweatpants in front of Netflix, eating junk food and talking to my cats…but that’s another story.
Because, even though I don’t have the extra work of taking care of two other humans, I also don’t have anybody here looking at me and saying things like, “Can you at least get dressed before I come home from school, Mom…in case I have a friend with me or something?”
My priorities shift, and I make different choices as a result.
You see, I manage to fill my hours – even when I don’t have the long and impressive list of Busy-Credentials to blame. I fill my hours with things I choose to prioritize, or I fill my hours with procrastinating and ignoring the choices I need to make.
Oh yes. I see you.
Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Cat videos? Hahaha. Nice try, kitten. Those hours are not as necessary as you think, and they don’t preclude the time it takes to maintain a blog (except maybe the cat videos?).
Because they aren’t nearly as valuable, lasting or effective as Sharing your Voice.
I already talked about the 5 biggest reasons behind my belief that you need to be blogging for your business in last week’s post: Bloggers gotta Blog…but sometimes it sucks. I also talked about the 5 main reasons it sucks, and I asked for your feedback. Having time – or not having time – was the biggest complaint I heard. By far.
But seriously – you need to make time for this one if you want to have an effective online marketing plan. You just do.
If you want to have a community of fans and listeners, you need to consistently give them what they want online: Education, Inspiration and/or Entertainment. You need to talk to them about things they care about and that align with what you are offering to the world, and you need to do it often.
Because sharing other people’s stuff on Facebook, or putting someone else’s quote on a great photo in Instagram? Those things won’t develop the kind of trust that a consistently helpful, entertaining and motivational blog will do – one written in your voice, and along your brand’s message.
End. Of. Story.
Except it’s not the end of the story because beyond the power of the community you build with your blog, you will also get to control how it unfolds.
Which – to me – is extremely important. I’m a total control-freak (just ask my teenage daughters), but I think that in this case it is really valid and important.
Take a look at Facebook: how many businesses focused all of their online marketing efforts there for years – and benefited for a long time for free – but are now stranded because Facebook owns Facebook, and Facebook changed the rules?
I mean, Facebook absolutely has the right to change the rules.
We were camping out on Facebook’s couch for years, paying no rent and inviting all our friends over to visit. I’m surprised they didn’t make a big change ages ago. They totally have the right – because it’s their house.
Click to Tweet: If you want to control your message, you need to get off of Facebook’s couch and set up your own house.
When you have a blog set up, and you are actively participating in the conversation around your industry, you get to control the message; you get to choose the parameters, topics, and tone. You even get to decide who can add to that conversation and how they do it in your own comments section.
Then you can use it to populate your social media streams too – with your message! Not someone else’s words, in a pretty font.
And when you have a solid email list going, you can make sure that your message continues to get to the people who have asked to receive it. When you want it to get to them. In the format you know they love.
It’s a remarkable place of power, and it is worth the time you need to take in order to do it well.
Ok Ok Ok! I know I’m preaching a little bit, but it’s all true, and you know it. The trust and expertise that comes from maintaining a good-quality blog, and the control and power you get to retain when it’s on your own platform? Priceless, kitten.
And it’s possible to do it well – even when we are in the middle of the Busy-Olympics and haven’t a square of time to spare.
I promise!
I’ve been running track at that same Olympics with you, and I’ve taken home my fair-share of gold medals. I’m not bragging, because those gold medals no longer are a point of pride to me. They’re heavy and uncomfortable. It is a true story: I have done busy, my friends, and I’m over it.
Over the next 6 weeks, I’m going to explore the best ways to slim down your blogging processes – with some of my best online buddies (because I don’t have all the answers, but you still need em).
I’m confident that we can all make this blogging thing work better in our lives, because talking about it and exploring it? That’s the best way I know of to take a big, scary thing and knock it down a peg or two. Amirite?
The secret to making your blog work within your already busy life is found in using Systems that work and designing Plans you can follow.
Next week, one of my favourite bloggers (and my accountabilibuddy, heaven love her), Sarah Shotts from Love Letter to Adventure, will be here with me. We are going to talk about something that A LOT of you have asked about: managing your blog images.
Yup. It’s a prickly pear for sure, so we’re going to talk about the best workflows we’ve found for creating, storing and using images for our blogs. Sarah does this extremely well – no surprise, as she’s a photographer, videographer and makes a mean watercolour illustration.
I’ll share with you some of the new SUPER amateur tricks I’ve started to use to up my instagram game, and how I make images a non-issue on my blog as well.
Over this series, you’ll be able to see how using systems and plans can actually foster more creative work, and alleviate the busy-ness paralysis our poor creative-thought-muscles often get. You’ll learn what plans are most helpful and necessary, and you’ll probably get a free printable or two to help you – because that’s how I roll 😉
I’m putting this all together for you, because I know how hard and intimidating and paralyzing blogging can feel.
But I also know how satisfying, effective and manageable it is too. I want you to be able to see the same kind of growth and excitement I have seen since I started this blog – just over a year ago.So I’m laying it all out and offering it up for free to help you smash through whatever is holding you back from taking the leap – or up your game if you’re already in on the blogging adventure, but need a little juice.
I’m really excited about exploring the topic with you, and I can’t wait to hear from you too. Tell me in the comments below how you feel about blogging: do you love it already? or have you been hiding from it for ages? Don’t be shy!
See you next week!
You mad? Excited? Have a perspective to share? Please do!
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[…] 33. You’re Not too Busy to Blog: Why you should stop making excuses and get to work. […]
[…] been talking about how Blogging can be totally accessible to everyone, and that YES you do have time to do it well (the irony does not escape me here), and I asked you what was the *worst* thing about blogging […]
The points that you so carefully yet bluntly made are true. I have fell victim of the procrastination bug and wasted a lot of time that did not go towards my blog, creative output, etc. It does seem taxing and difficult at times when worrying about putting out interesting information and let alone if anyone is reading.
Thanks for the info and I like the fact that you replied all of the comments.
You are so welcome, Thill.
I’m just so pleased that you take the time to say hello, and I love the conversations in this community. I couldn’t *not* reply if I tried 😉 It’s my favourite part! I think you’re right about the time disappearing and how difficult it can feel at times. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks, trying to transition my kids (and my life) from the school year to the Summer routine.
It’s been…tough. So my blog has been neglected. And right in the middle of a series on blowing, no less! It just goes to show that all of us get tired and stressed and overwhelmed. I hope the rest of the series helps you to get a handle on your own blog-blues 😉
This post is so timely, Kris! I’ve felt overwhelmed by blogging recently that I just had to take a step back and give myself time to write the post instead of trying to whip it together fast. I’m game for any helpful tips on making the process easier and more fun. A system would be great. Systems make things so much easier! Anything that once you get it down you don’t really have to concentrate to do saves energy for the next project.
I look forward to reading future posts in this series!
I feel you there, Erika!
I am in the midst of mega-juggling right now – trying to get my kids and I back onto a Summer routine that makes sense, while teaching Craft Your Voice has been…interesting.
My routines have definitely taken a bit of a back seat, but I’m starting to get ahold of the tail of it all again, so I’m excited to share some of the systems I love to use to help you do the same 🙂
I recently published my own rant on the cult of busy, and I’m so happy to see someone else make the point that busy and productive are two different things. Productive activity adds value, busy activity just takes minutes off the clock.
I 100% agree, Mallie!
Productivity is a totally different thing from busy-ness. I am a huge fan of plans and routines to keep me from buzzing around like the proverbial headless chicken, glorying in my maddening busy-ness.
Busy is SUCH a 4-letter word! My schedule is packed. I don’t even have time to watch kitten videos on FB! Being a one woman shop takes a lot of time and energy, as you know, my soul sister from the Great White North.
Time is a factor, for sure, but my biggest hurdle is gathering the mental energy to write an impactful blog post. I used to dread sitting down to write because I knew that, although it should only take about 30 minutes, it was really going to take more like 60 or sometimes 90 to get past that blank screen to a blog that someone would actually enjoy reading.
I cannot say enough about the writing process that you’ve taught me. It has absolutely changed the way I feel about blogging, and therefore, the way I blog. Also the free writing has been huge. I dropped the ball last week, and as a result, just could not muster the enthusiasm to write a blog post.
But, I got back on track this week and it’s made a big difference. It’s like when you don’t turn a faucet on regularly, so the valve sticks, and you’ve really got to crank on it, but if you just open the valve for a bit every day, it takes far less effort to turn that handle.
I love this so much, Red! I’ve let Freewriting valve get stuck lately too.
Thanks for reminding me. Although it takes me a lot more than 30 minutes to write a post, it is FAR faster when I’m not staring at the screen for an hour first, waiting for it to write itself 😉
Hi its me again I just noticed that I spelled your name wrong! Sorry-what was I thinking?? everyone knows you are Kris with a K I mean that what made me notice you in the first place.
Hahaha! That is totally ok, Marilyn!
That’s why I am Kris With a K: it’s just so easy to spell it with a C. In fact, it was spelled wrong on my birth certificate too! The clerk who got the paperwork just decided to go with a C instead of the K my Mum and Dad wrote down. You are in fine company, and I take ZERO offence 🙂
Hi Chris I am looking forward to next weeks post-I haven’t hit publish yet for my first blog post . I really like Sara’s blog too.I’ve been putting this off for at least two years but I’m ready to take the plunge.
You can do it, Marilyn!
The best thing about starting a blog is that it doesn’t start out with tons of readers, right? So you don’t have to worry too too much about how people will react or judge you…because they aren’t reading yet. Your readers at the start will be the people who already love you and want you to succeed, so you get a nice space to learn.
As you get more skilled and confident, and you learn new techniques, your readership will grow too. It’s a nice process 🙂
I am so excited for your next edition….I love learning from others. Next to my love for cats and kitties I’ve found that I really like blogging.
I’m in the midst of getting ready to launch a guest blog series on my blog. My blog revolves around the world of Social Media and I’m having great friends who are very savvy in the SM world share what works for them. They are from all sorts of businesses and the world of TV. It promises to be pretty fabulous. I’m looking forward to this collaborative event that should reap some benefits for both sides.
I look forward to your next post. My cats and I will be curled up read to read!
Have a fabulous week…adore your blog!
ML 🙂
I’m glad you found me, Mary Lu!
And I’m glad your kitties have too 🙂
You sneaky little Fly! 😉 I just told my journal this am that I needed to stop wasting time on social media every day. Checking email and seeing what’s up on IG or FB are time sucks! And I know better. Thanks for a little kick in the pants!
Hahaha, Trish!
I am so sneeeeaky 🙂 I am kicking myself in the pants too though, because I get on there sometimes and lose hours without batting an eye. I’m hoping the new Summer routine will help me to train out some bad habits I developed over the long Winter.
Yes, yes and yes!!
I love my blog, though sometimes it can be a lot of work. I enjoy sharing with others and hearing what others have to say in response.
How funny that I’m reading this as I sit waiting outside my son’s bedroom (he won’t stay in he bed otherwise) until he goes to sleep so I can go and finish my blog post 🙂
I remember doing that too, Kara!
I used to have a chair outside of Bailey’s bedroom, where I’d set up camp for the evening with a book and a cup of tea. I think you’re right too – sharing with others and hearing what they have to say is my favourite part of blogging. You guys – doing this! So thank you 🙂
Oops! You caught me with my hands in the cookie jar (while watching kitty videos on FB). Are you spying on me, Kris? Yep. You are SO right about all that time-wasting I do when I could be BLOGGING! Thanks for the reminder!
The key thing is to not flog yourself or guilt trip yourself about it, Indre.
You have to fill in your days with Systems and Plans *first* so those kitty videos don’t get a chance to get going 🙂