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Free Prewriting Worksheet: Your Perfect Blog Post Outline

Prewriting Worksheet: Outline Your Perfect Blog Post | Kris Windley | Writing Coach | Moncton NB

Here it is: One Last Prewriting Worksheet!

Next week, I’m going to start talking about Step 2 in the Writing Process – Drafting – so this is a pretty special day for you, writers: It is the LAST Prewriting post in this series!

Doodoo doo mmm doo DOO!! *JAZZ HANDZZZZZ*

Ok. I’m done. I have no idea what happened there. Let me just put these tap shoes away….

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So How Do I Finish off Prewriting?

I throw you into it, and tell you to GET MOVIN’ man! But first, let’s take a knee:

Your purpose as a writer, as I’ve said before, is not to say things; it is to affect your readers. You want to create a change in your reader, and you should know ahead of time what that change will be.

That might be overwhelming. In fact, I know that it is overwhelming.

I personally sat on my empty website domain and did absolutely NOTHING with it for far too long.

I was paralyzed by the idea of putting myself out there as an expert.

I thought that I couldn’t just start writing posts and act like I knew what I was talking about (even though I have years of experience, tons of education and training and have spent thousands of hours working with people in person and over Skype).

I felt like I couldn’t just take that title – expert – myself. I don’t know if I imagined someone would knock on my door and hand me a key to Expert City or something, but I felt like a cheater-pants for claiming it myself.

***Breaking News*** I don’t feel that way anymore!

And that is mostly because I simply began writing. I started putting information out there into the world and offering my expertise up to you – and you liked it! You ate it up and it made a difference to a lot of you. That feels so awesome! And it is what makes me comfortable using the word, “Expert”.

Yeah I said it.

As an entrepreneur – a service provider, or a creative maker – you have expertise to offer people. You may not feel as though you do (impostor syndrome anyone?), but you DO – or you wouldn’t be here.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Nobody’s knocking on your door with the key to Expert City; you have to claim your own expertise.” quote=”Nobody’s knocking on your door with the key to Expert City; you have to claim your own expertise.” theme=”style6″]

So do it! And you have to start sharing it!! JUST START ALREADY!

We’ve already broken down how to plan a year of themes and topics for you to share with your favourite readers. You know how to give them the most valuable information possible and avoid the “What the heck do I write about now?!” hiccups.

We’ve also talked about how to attack the actual Writing Process without stressing yourself out, and you’ve downloaded a lovely checklist to remind you of what you absolutely have to do before you even start drafting.

You have exactly zero excuses for hiding your expertise. And today I want to make it even easier for you to hit “Publish” and get your Voice out there.

You will officially have minus-one excuses now. So there. That’s even less than none.

Download this last Prewriting Worksheet and use it to help you create that important Outline you need before you start drafting. It addresses all of the components that make an expert’s Blog post complete, and gives you a space to plan for each.

Prewriting Perfect Blog Post Outline – With a K Writing Services

Print it, copy it, fill it in and hang it up on the wall. Then sit back and admire the beautiful thing that is – your exquisite outline. *sigh*

You have officially grabbed your “Expert” title, and you should be proud of yourself. Comment below with your Expert Title. CLAIM IT, sistas!

Don’t forget to share, pin, tweet or like this post to help other expert power-houses to plan their perfect Expert Blog Post too.

AND sign up for Keyboards and Kickstands: Writing Tips with a K, so you don’t miss a thing!

Until next week,

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Prewriting Worksheet: Outline Your Perfect Blog Post | Writing Coach | Moncton NB


Kris Windley

Kris is a writer, editor, illustrator, teacher, mother of two amazing young ladies - and enthusiastic cat-belly snuggler. A certified teacher, long-time blogger and experienced brand consultant, she writes about Writing, Business and Blogging...and sometimes about Changing the World.

Kris Windley

Kris is a writer, editor, illustrator, teacher, mother of two amazing young ladies - and enthusiastic cat-belly snuggler. A certified teacher, long-time blogger and experienced brand consultant, she writes about Writing, Business and Blogging...and sometimes about Changing the World.

You mad? Excited? Have a perspective to share? Please do!


  1. […] I use a few specific Write Traits in the Revise and Edit steps, myself. It’s the last step in shining up your words and ideas to reach the potential you saw for them during the Prewriting Step. […]

  2. […] out this post on Prewriting, to make sure you have all of your planning done BEFORE you try to start the Drafting step. It will […]

  3. richelle on June 26, 2014 at 12:17 am

    Thank you, Kris! Awesome worksheet!

    • KrisWithaK on June 26, 2014 at 12:18 am

      Thanks, honey! Let me know how it works for your next post!

  4. Nicole Richard on June 24, 2014 at 7:17 pm

    Hello Kris,
    Not sure if we got to meet at one of our meetings, Women Helping Women. I saw your latest post about writing! I appreciate getting these tips. I would like to know more about blogging and would love your input on my present website.

    Thank you for this great initiative.


    • KrisWithaK on June 24, 2014 at 7:30 pm

      I do remember meeting you, Nicole! I’d love to offer you some guidance on your site.

      In fact, I’m going to soon be offering a group workshop (at Workspace, I believe) for website DIYers that would be perfect for you. If you want to hear about that as soon as it’s launched, you should sign up for the Keyboards and Kickstands weekly tips and offers email. I’d love to see you there!


      • Nicole Richard on June 25, 2014 at 8:06 am

        Glad to hear about your workshop! I did sign up for the Keyboard & Kickstands weekly tips! Can you see my name on your list? If not, I’ll sign up again.

        Looking forward to hearing more about your workshop. Talk to you soon.


      • KrisWithaK on June 25, 2014 at 11:59 pm

        Yup! I see you there, Nicole 🙂 Thanks for signing up!

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