White, blank page stressing you out?
Grab a cuppa and take a breather. Take the #30DaysWithaK mini-course & find your voice today.

is Really Hard!
In Business, Writing, and living in spaces filled with people you want to reach and connect with.
It’s a hammering pulse in your ears when it’s your turn to speak - or a hot flush of frustration when your words don’t reach your audience.
And there’s so much at stake. Misunderstandings in business or in your professional writing are tremendously difficult. The space between that amazing idea or complete thought you’re holding in your mind - and the world of reality and...other people. It feels like a vast gulf sometimes.
Plus! As a woman? Or Any person living in a marginalized identity - we are asked...no, not asked...we are told to be quiet and nice and well-behaved, lest we take up too much space.
Give up. Shut up. Don’t Make Waves. It feels...hopeless, and exhausting, and impossible.
Don’t give up. Don’t Shut up. Make those waves! Even though it’s hard, you can do it. Your voice is legitimate. Your message is important, and you can share it to change the world.
Sign up to hear from me
I write about Writing, Being a human and Doing Difficult Sh*t in a Difficult World - and I use silly illustrations to make it all seem easier...sometimes, it works.
I won't sell your stuff or send you SPAM, because I'm not a jerk & I hate confrontation.
I’ve been writing - and teaching writing - for close to 20 years, and I’ve discovered that there are five foundations you need to build to be a truly effective writer.
Those 5 foundations all need something constant in the background - a clear and flexible plan that will work for you, your Creative Partners and Priorities, and the Purpose you serve.

Everything that I do is about helping you to find, trust & share *YOUR* voice.
I have a lot of reasons for doing that, instead of simply writing everything for you.
It's genuine
When you trust and share your own voice - on your blog, in your business, & in your creative life - there's a genuine quality to it that can't be outsourced. The people you are talking to will hear it & value it.
It's effective
Your real voice - the one that is in your own head right now? That's the most effective way to communicate with the people you care about: your readers, customers - even your friends and family.
It's good for you & the world
Learning to take up space in the world and expressing your Work & Voice well? It's unbelievably good for you as a human being. And hearing genuine & varied Voices in every part of our communities is necessary for our world to grow & become better for everyone.
It's actually pretty fun!
Once you build your practice, learn some creativity boosting tricks, & start to trust your own Voice - you can actually have some fun with it!
I've been proud to have been a part of some really exciting projects over the years
I’m thrilled that I get to spend my days working with a lot of amazing women, who are doing amazing things in the world.

And I want to work with you!
These are the best ways to do that:
Work with Me: One on One
Build a Brand you're proud of, Organize & Plan your Next-Big-Thing, or find your Writing Voice - with the Organizational & Creative magic of a pro on your side & at your side. You’re not alone.
Work with Me
I may have openings for new consulting or developmental editing clients coming up. Check out the services I offer and get on the waiting list!
Online Classes & Challenges
Develop your Writing Practice, or upgrade your Business Communication. Learn from an experienced Writer, Teacher, & Business owner - at your own pace, and in your favourite space.
Learn at Home
Start with the #30DaysWithaK Free-writing Challenge to develop your Writing Practice and find your Voice in 30 Days.
Speaking & Workshops
If you need an inspiring Keynote Speaker, an engaging Panelist or a fun & creative Workshop Teacher, check out my availability & favourite topics to obsess about...
I mean teach.
Learning Together
I look forward to a time when we can all get together again to learn & create in one space.
As soon as it is safe and feasible, I will open up availability for Speaking and Workshop bookings again.
Until then, stay safe!
Bare Hands Press is Coming Soon!
Shop custom Stationery, Art prints, Workbooks, Planners & Templates to help you create your next brilliant thing.
And read articles by women - about women and for women.
Don’t miss it!
I’m really excited about this Platform & all of the good we can do with it.
Want to hear when Bare Hands Press is live?
Check out my latest articles
I write about Writing, Business, Creativity...& Changing the World
Start Free-Writing Now and Finally Set Your Pen Free
Ok, so I’m honestly having one of those days today when I just don’t feel like writing. Pen to paper? Just don’t wanna. Typing words on my laptop? Not an inkling of desire over here. It’s raining and I’m tired and I have a million things to do and I’d rather be reading a deliciously irrelevant beach-read summer book…so I sat down this morning, and I wrote about that. I picked up a pen and wrote longhand about all of the frustrating and irritating things that I could think of. As soon as 3 pages were full, I put it…
Read MoreGIVEAWAY – 5 Ways You’re Killing Your Writing Flow – and How to Bring it Back to Life
It’s all about the Process, Man! Keep reading to find out about the first GIVEAWAY contest I’ve ever done on Keyboards and Kickstands! You all know how I feel about applying a Process to writing. I don’t think I need to hammer that anymore today, but if you somehow missed it – go read about the Writing Process here and here and then come back to see how you should manage the Drafting step, in particular. What is Drafting? This is the step that we all just sort of jump into, by instinct. It looks a lot like journalling, Morning Pages…
Read MoreFree Prewriting Worksheet: Your Perfect Blog Post Outline
Here it is: One Last Prewriting Worksheet! Next week, I’m going to start talking about Step 2 in the Writing Process – Drafting – so this is a pretty special day for you, writers: It is the LAST Prewriting post in this series! Doodoo doo mmm doo DOO!! *JAZZ HANDZZZZZ* Ok. I’m done. I have no idea what happened there. Let me just put these tap shoes away…. [wc_divider style=”dotted” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””] So How Do I Finish off Prewriting? I throw you into it, and tell you to GET MOVIN’ man! But first, let’s take a knee: Your purpose as a writer,…
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